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Privacy Policy 

1.     The Brussels Sports Association (BSA) is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. For any personal data you provide for the purposes of your membership, BSA is the Data Controller and is responsible for storing and otherwise processing that data in a fair, lawful, secure and transparent way.

2.      Who is the Data Controller for BSA?

The BSA Data Protection Officer is the Managing Director. He/she is contactable via email. 

3.      What personal data we hold on you

You may give us information about you by filling in forms at an event or online, or by corresponding with us by phone, e-mail or otherwise. This includes information you provide when you become a member of the BSA, register for an event, subscribe to our newsletter or provide a donation. The information you give us may include your name, gender, date of birth, address, e-mail address, phone number, nationality and employer. We may also ask for relevant health information or overall athletic ability. 

4.      Why we need your personal data

The reason we need your data is to be able to administer your membership, and provide the membership services you are signing up to when you register with the club. Our lawful basis for processing your personal is that we have a contractual obligation to you as a member to provide the services you are registering for. 

5.      Reasons we need to process your data include:

a.         For training and competition entry  

                          i.      sharing personal data with club coaches or officials to administer training sessions;

                         ii.      sharing personal data with club team managers to enter events;

                        iii.      sharing personal data with facility providers to manage access to the events; and

                       iv.      sharing personal data with leagues, clubs, schools and other competition providers for entry into events and facilities.

b.         For funding and reporting purposes 

                          i.      sharing anonymised data with a funding partner as condition of sponsorship and funding;

                         ii.      sharing anonymised data with stakeholders (eg. schools) for promotion and marketing purposes;

                        iii.      analysing anonymised data to monitor membership and sport participation trends; and

                       iv.      sending surveys to improve your experience as a BSA member

c.         For membership and club management  

                          i.      processing of membership forms and payments;

                         ii.      sharing data with BSA board members to provide information about BSA activities, events status or invitation to social events; and

                        iii.      club newsletter promoting BSA activities. 

d.         Marketing and communications 

                          i.      sending information about promotions and offers from sponsors;

                         ii.      sending information about selling club kit, merchandise or fundraising.

6.     Any special category health/fitness data we hold on you is only processed for the purpose(s) of team allocation and/or passing health data to coaches to allow the safe running of event sessions. We process this data on the lawful basis of consent. Therefore, we will also need your explicit consent to process this data, which we will ask for at the point of collecting it. 

7.     The club has the following social media pages – Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. All members are free to join these pages. If you join one of the Social Media pages, please note that provider of the social media platform(s) have their own privacy policies and that the club do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies.  Please check these policies before you submit any personal data on the club social media pages.

8.     Who we share your personal data with

Apart from using anonymous data as specified in paragraph 5 above, the BSA does not share your personal data with any third party. You can set and amend your privacy settings from the BSA website. If you have any questions about the continuing privacy of your personal data, please contact

9.  How long we hold your personal data

We will hold your personal data on file for as long as you are a member with us. Your data is not processed for any further purposes other than those detailed in this policy.

10.   Your rights regarding your personal data

As a data subject, you may have the right at any time to request access to, rectification or erasure of your personal data; to restrict or object to certain kinds of processing of your personal data, including direct marketing; to the portability of your personal data and to complain to the EU’s data protection supervisory authority about the processing of your personal data. 

As a data subject, you are not obliged to share your personal data with the BSA. If you choose not to share your personal data with us we may not be able to register or administer your membership. 

Cookie Policy

Effective Date: 29-Nov-2021
Last Updated: 29-Nov-2021

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