Brussels Sports Association Covid-19 Guidelines and Procedures
BSA is committed to do everything we can so that our players, coaches, parents and volunteers can safely return to sports in the upcoming fall season. We are working with our partners at the International School of Brussels to ensure that when our players are back on the field, we are following the guidelines of both our ISB partner and the regulations outlined by the Belgian authorities.
The BSA Board of Directors has outlined the following Covid-19 safety procedures. These procedures will be updated regularly to reflect any changes implemented by ISB or the Belgian authorities.
If your child is sick:
If your child is showing symptoms consistent with Covid-19 (cough, sore throat, fever over 37.5C) they should NOT participate in BSA sports.
If your child is showing symptoms of Covid-19, immediately contact your doctor and notify the BSA by emailing office@bsasports.org.
If your child has a positive Covid-19 test, they should follow the government protocols for quarantine and should not return to BSA sports until they receive a negative Covid-19 test. You should immediately notify BSA at office@bsasports.org.
If your child has a negative Covid-19 test, they should continue to refrain from BSA activities until they have been symptom-free for at least 72 hours.
If a parent, guardian or another member of a BSA player’s family is sick:
If you, a guardian or someone in your family is showing symptoms consistent with Covid-19 (cough, sore throat, fever over 37.5C) they should NOT come to a BSA activity (for drop-off, pick-up or as an observer).
Additionally, if a guardian or family member is sick or showing Covid-10 symptoms, all members of that household, (including siblings), should refrain from participating in BSA activities. You should notify BSA immediately by emailing office@bsasports.org.
If you, a guardian or someone in your family is showing symptoms of Covid-19, immediately contact your doctor and notify the BSA by emailing office@bsasports.org.
If you, a guardian or someone in your family has a positive Covid-19 test, they should follow the government protocols for quarantine and should not return to BSA activities until they receive a negative Covid-19 test. You should immediately notify BSA at office@bsasports.org.
If you, a guardian or another individual in your family has a negative Covid-19 test, they should continue to refrain from BSA activities until they have been symptom-free for at least 72 hours.
When participating in BSA sports programming:
All children are required to wear a mask during drop-off, pick-up and while awaiting instructions for play. As a general rule, unless engaged in play, your child should be wearing a mask. Please encourage your child to keep their mask easily accessible.
Players must sanitize their hands upon arrival and before leaving the session. Hand-sanitizer will be available at all BSA activities.
Players should maintain a distance of 1.5 meters during pick-up, drop-off, waiting on the sidelines and when receiving instruction from coaches.
Your child must bring their own water bottle, clearly labeled with their name. The ISB drinking fountains will be disabled.
Except where medically necessary (e.g. Type 1 Diabetes or other health condition), players should not bring snacks to BSA activities. If your child has a medical condition requiring them to have access to snacks, please be sure to denote in the “Health Considerations” section upon registration. Please also notify your child’s coach.
For activities at the International School of Brussels, toilets will be available during BSA activities. Children will be allowed to go to the toilet one-at-a-time and must wash their hands before returning to play. When possible, players should use the toilet before coming to their BSA activity.
In order to maintain the utmost safety, it is important that your child be able to follow the instructions of their coach. Children who refuse to wear a mask, maintain appropriate social distancing or who otherwise cannot adhere to the BSA Covid-19 guidelines, should not participate in BSA programming.
In order to ensure the safety of our participants, their families and our volunteers, BSA will:
Sanitize all equipment after each training session or game.
Require that our coaches and volunteers wear face masks or face shields at all times during BSA activities.
Require that our coaches and volunteers stay home if they have Covid-19 symptoms and that they notify their health care provider immediately.
Require that any coaches or volunteers who have a Covid-19 diagnosis follow the Belgian government guidelines for quarantine and only return to BSA activities after completing a 14-day quarantine and receiving a negative Covid-19 test result.
Limit the number of children engaged in each sports activity and maintain specific player cohorts throughout the period of the program for which a player is registered.
Notify parents immediately if a player, parent, guardian or other close family member in their cohort has Covid-19 symptoms. All BSA activities within that cohort will be immediately suspended. In the event that the symptomatic individual receives a negative Covid-19 test, BSA may opt to resume programming for that cohort.
A PDF of our Covid-19 Guidelines and Procedures is available here. Please contact Managing Director Jodi Harris at office@bsasports.org with any questions.